Tuesday, 16 February 2010

PHOTOGRAPH: Lily Allen, Bournemouth.

This is a photo I took at a Lily Allen gig in Bournemouth last year. When I first saw the pic I didn't think much of it. I put it up on twitpic and I got a positive comment on it, then when I looked at it again I decided that I did really like it. I took it on a Canon Ixus; I hadn't wanted to lug my SLR around all night. So it's really just a point-and-shoot pic that has turned out properly exposed and looking good in black and white.
We were sat quite a way back, up on the balcony, so Lily looks fairly small in the frame as she paces the stage. But I think that helps with this pic. Lily seems quite a vulnerable person, and I think the pic emphasises this, as does the fact that she is sideways on to the eyes of the crowd. I think also that her image on the video screen somehow adds to the appearance that she lonely on the stage. It can also represent the way the performer and the performance is captured, re-packaged and transmitted, even for the live audience. Her image is also being captured on the glowing screens of the mobile phone/cameras. It reminds me of a photo of JFK delivering a speech, taken from the back, with a tv in the foreground showing his face in the live broadcast. I wanted to link it, but can't find it anywhere on the web, maybe because it's a copywrited Magnum agency photo.


  1. Wow I love that picture!! :D so simple, but amazing! And the fact that this pic was made without knowing it looks so great, is even better haha :) x

  2. I really like the picture. I love how you can see the crowd 'cause it's like.. nice atmosphere and suchlike!
    And, unlike most tour pictures often are, it's not blurry and crap. :D Nice work, Mr Gold!

  3. Sorry...big thanks to you Paramoose, you drew my attention to this pic in the first place.
